"What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" - Jesus, Matthew 16:26. This question is one of many posed by Jesus that help us to take a step back and consider what we are most invested in. We can be consumed with accumulating wealth, pursuing social status or chasing after other transient things, when Jesus makes clear in this statement that we should prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. It's a powerful reminder to evaluate the foundations our lives have been built on. In this devotional, we'll discuss why it's so valuable for Christians to regularly engage in this evaluation.

The Importance of Self-evaluation From a Biblical Perspective

Scripture consistently emphasizes the need for personal reflection and inner self-examination. Paul encouraged believers to "test yourselves to see if you are in the faith" (2 Corinthians 13:5). Similarly, David prayed in Psalm 139 that God would search him thoroughly, revealing any unseen wickedness or secret sins. Acknowledging the necessity of regular self-appraisals from a Christian perspective can be linked to various aspects of our walk with Christ:

  1. Staying on Track Spiritually: To live an authentic Christian life, we must be acutely aware of the direction in which we're moving. Only through consistent self-examination can we identify the areas where we may have become spiritually complacent or distracted. By doing so, we're able to repent, correct misalignments, and continue to pursue Christ more fully.

  2. Discerning God's Will: Understanding what constitutes the primary pillars of our lives is crucial to living out God's will effectively. Regular evaluation allows us to ensure that these core foundations are firmly rooted in the things of Christ. Without these checks, it's easy to get blindsided by societal pressures that may not align with God's purpose for our lives.

  3. Fruitfulness: As followers of Christ, we are called to bear good fruit - this can only blossom in lives well tended to, where we regularly prune off "everything that entangles"(Hebrews 12:1). Examining how our day-to-day choices contribute to our spiritual health is crucial for maintaining a dynamic, fruitful Christian life.

  4. Abiding in Christ: Jesus told his disciples, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). To abide in Christ, we must periodically check our connectedness to the vine, ensuring that we don't stagnate or begin to draw sustenance elsewhere.

Encouragement for Personal Reassessment

Everyone's journey as a Christian is unique, and the pace at which life evolves often leaves us racing to keep up. But even amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we need moments to pause, think, and evaluate our priorities. While it may seem daunting to contemplate just how we've been building our lives, it's important to remember that this journey is one of constant progress and ongoing refinement. The pursuit of godliness does not equate to perfection but to continual transformation - a genuine heart desiring to draw ever closer to our Creator.

Here are some suggestions for incorporating self-evaluation into your Christian life:

  1. Regular Reflection Time: Set aside moments of quiet reflection in your daily routine, seeking the Lord's guidance and seeking His reflection of your walk with Him. This could involve reading Scripture, pondering over prayers, journaling, or simply taking a walk in nature while allowing your thoughts to deepen and linger.

  2. Incorporate Accountability: Share your reflections with someone close to you, an accountability partner or spiritual mentor, who can provide insights, ask probing questions, and keep you focused on the essentials.

  3. Enact Changes Promptly: When you find misaligned priorities or behaviors, don't wait to make the necessary changes. Engage the Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom to reorient your path and start afresh.

  4. Give Yourself Grace: Sometimes we may unearth hard truths about ourselves, and the emotions this stirs up can feel intense. Remember God's kindness as we strive for growth – our goal isn't to wallow in guilt or shame, but to advance in freedom, acceptance, and spiritual health.

In conclusion, evaluating what our lives have been built upon is a significant act of Christian stewardship and self-care. Regular assessments allow us to keep track of our relationship with Christ, strive towards God's purposes, produce abundant spiritual fruit, and maintain a vital connection with Him. As you engage in this ongoing practice, let the Holy Spirit lead, guide and mold you according to His loving purposes – and take heart in your journey of transformation and growth as a beloved child of God.