Why Christians Can Be Bad at Being Kind

In a world rife with challenges and rancor, it is widely known that Christians are called to live counterculturally, marked by kindness in the face of hate or apathy. When we accept God’s invitation into relationship through faith, we often have an increased awareness of how His sacrificial love should impact our own lives (2 Corinthians 5:14-21). However, even believers can struggle to embody this foundational Christian virtue. Why might this be?...

March 14, 2024 · 6 min

9 Lessons for New Christians ... And Old Ones

Over the years, I've observed what is true for many people when they start their Christian journey. It can be very exciting and scary at the same time. You are filled with enthusiasm and eager to learn about God and what it means to follow Him. However, along with all the excitement and discovery, there will be some bumps in the road. Both new and seasoned believers face a long list of issues....

March 13, 2024 · 7 min

How Should Christians Approach Progress in Technology?

Every culture, at every stage of its development has engaged with the process of technological innovation. In our day and age, many people view technological progress as inevitable, a natural consequence of human nature. The opinion is not unanimously shared but it seems to be particularly pervasive among tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs who tend to support disruptive and transformative technological innovations. Conversely, a number of critics are alarmed at the pace of technological progress, fearing either that we lose control over the technology or even allowing for the possibility of supernatural involvement....

March 12, 2024 · 7 min

The Good and the Bad of Christian Fundamentalism

Christian fundamentalism is an evangelical movement within Christianity that takes a literal stance on biblical teachings, especially relating to matters like the autority of the scripture, the deity of Jesus, and the inerrancy of the Bible. Although some might refer to it as narrow-minded or bigoted, many others believe it holds the last remnant of true Christianity. In this article, I will discuss both the good and the bad of Christian fundamentalism, acknowledging aspects that deserve appreciation and those that might generate controversy....

March 11, 2024 · 4 min

Why Do Christians Emphasize Hell Instead of Not Being with God in Heaven?

When some non-Christians (or some former Christians) consider the teaching that presents a clear and compelling understanding of the concept of hell, they may wonder why Christian faith emphasizes the idea of "hell" rather than the less-terrifying notion of "not being with God" in heaven. Why not simply state that those who never believed or rejected Christ after believing just don't experience the presence of God in eternity? This is an intriguing question....

March 10, 2024 · 4 min

How to Actually Treat Other Believers Like Family

All over the world, in various forms of Christianity, people often hear and repeat the sentiment that they should treat their fellow believers like family. However, as deeply rooted and well-intentioned as this idea is, most of us need practical tips and tools for making it a reality. The following six suggestions are provided with the goal of translating this admirable, biblical ideal from an empty cliché into concrete action....

March 9, 2024 · 4 min

What Does Jesus Teach Us about God's End-Times Plan?

Christians sometimes struggle with end-times questions. But, we can turn to the greatest end-times Teacher -- Jesus Himself. "Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day [Jesus' return] will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction." 2 Thessalonians 2:3 The Bible's book of Matthew reveals an important question the disciples asked Jesus concerning the end times. It is here where Christians discover His teachings on end-times....

March 8, 2024 · 4 min

Why Pastors Struggle to Ask for Help (And How to Get Past It)

Pastoral ministry is an incredibly rewarding, life-giving walk with God. But it can also be a challenging occupation filled with unique pressures and hurdles. One of the most common struggles pastors face, which often goes unspoken, is the challenge of asking and receiving help when necessary. Few of us naturally excel at admitting vulnerability or need. For pastors, this vulnerability may feel particularly acute given their role as spiritual leaders, and thus perceived need to always have the answers or appear fully confident....

March 7, 2024 · 7 min

Is it My Responsibility to Help the Widows and Orphans?

Recently, I have seen a few people discussing the obligation we have as individuals to help the widows and orphans. This prompted me to write up some thoughts on this topic from a Biblical perspective. The Passage Most Often Cited The most commonly referenced biblical text related to our responsibility to care for the vulnerable is found in the book of James, chapter 1, verse 27: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world....

March 6, 2024 · 5 min

Why Should Christians Evaluate What Their Lives Are Built On?

"What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" - Jesus, Matthew 16:26. This question is one of many posed by Jesus that help us to take a step back and consider what we are most invested in. We can be consumed with accumulating wealth, pursuing social status or chasing after other transient things, when Jesus makes clear in this statement that we should prioritize our relationship with Him above all else....

March 5, 2024 · 4 min